Pillars of the Van Horne|Rosemont Overpass

In September 2010 the Plateau Mont-Royal borough hired artists to create 6 murals on the pillars supporting the Van Horne|Rosemont overpass, on the East side of St-Laurent. These artists were mostly graffiti writers and street artists from Montreal: Stare, Zek, Axe and Fluke for Ashop, Monk.e, Zema and Frank Lam. In May 2013, the project was re-opened and another bunch of artists were given the contract of covering the pillars on the West side of St-Laurent. This second batch included a mix of graffiti writers as well as street and studio artists: Arpi, Peru Dyer, Sino, Sbire, Fanny Aishaa, Pito & Guko (credited as Capital P and Charlie Machete) and the Crazy Apes.

En septembre 2010, l’arrondissement Plateau Mont-Royal a fait réaliser 6 murales sur les piliers soutenant le viaduc Van Horne|Rosemont, à l’est de la rue St-Laurent. Les artistes choisis pour la création de cette galerie ‘à ciel ouvert’ étaient principalement des graffeurs et artistes de rue montréalais: Stare, Zek, Axe et Fluke pour Ashop, Monk.e, Zema et Frank Lam. En mai 2013, le projet a été relancé et de nouveaux artistes se sont vus octroyer le contrat de couvrir les piliers se trouvant du côté ouest de St-Laurent. Cette fois-ci la sélection incluait des graffeurs ainsi que des artistes de rue et de studio/atelier: Arpi, Peru Dyer, Sino, Sbire, Fanny Aishaa, Pito & Guko (crédités Capital P et Charlie Machete) et les Crazy Apes.

Western side / côté ouest [2013]





Fanny Aishaa

Pito X Guko

Crazy Apes (Narc, Lith, Fezat, Korb, Egor)

Crazy Apes (Narc, Lith, Fezat, Korb, Egor)

A bonus one by Crazy Apes.

Not official: Kare and Mesk graffiti.

Eastern side / côté est [2010]



Ashop‘s Axe and Fluke.


La Paria aka Paria Crew featuring Zema, Astro, Frank Lam, Bjorn, Gaston and Kain.

The piece above carries over the sides of the pillar.

The piece above carries over the sides of the pillar.

This is the original piece by Zema and Frank Lam which was later replaced by the one shown above it.

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