Under Pressure Festival 2021

Here’s a photo gallery featuring all the works produced during the 2021 edition of the Under Pressure Festival. As in 2020, walls were not all painted on the same weekend because of social restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of the walls were painted over a few weeks in August. For other editions, see the general Under Pressure Festival page.

Cet article-photo présente les oeuvres produites au cours de l’édition 2021 du Festival Under Pressure. Tout comme en 2020, les murs n’ont pas été peints au cours de la même fin de semaine dans le but de respecter les restrictions sociales découlant de la pandémie de Covid-19. Ceci étant dit, la majorité des murs ont été peints en août. Pour les autres éditions, voir la page générale du Festival Under Pressure.

Street poster.

Monk.e (mostly left) and Toronto’s Luvs (mostly right).

The LTG/POM/H2K wall featuring EK Sept, Grils, Hoar, Paynt, Seork, Hozek, Rizek, Haks and Amer. See close-ups below.

Close-up on Haks (blue letters) and Rizek‘s (buildings) parts on the LTG/POM/H2K wall above.

Close-up on Amer‘s piece on the LTG/POM/H2K wall above. Amer also contributed to the TRU crew wall, scroll down to view.

Close-up on Paynt (cowboy) and Seork‘s (pig) parts on the LTG/POM/H2K wall above.

Close-up on Hozek (character), EK Sept (blue letters) and Grils‘ (buildings) parts on the LTG/POM/H2K wall above.

Close-up on Hoar‘s piece on the LTG/POM/H2K wall above.

Art Gang’s Senck and Snipes featuring a Cemz piece at ground level.

The Gentil Crew‘s contribution featuring MSHL, Bosny, SBU One, Loopkin, Le Monstr, Diane Roe, Maylee Keo, Tshoko and Nikki Küntzle. Fenceless shot and close-ups below.

The Gentil Crew‘s contribution featuring MSHL, Bosny, SBU One, Loopkin, Le Monstr, Diane Roe, Maylee Keo, Tshoko and Nikki Küntzle. Context shot above and close-ups below. Nikki and Tshoko both have more work in this post, scroll down to view Nikki’s solo wall and Tshoko’s part on the TRU crew wall.

Close-up 1/7 of the above Gentil Crew wall showing Bosny (bottom left) and MSHL (top right).

Close-up 2/7 of the above Gentil Crew wall showing Loopkin (top left) and Le Monstr (bottom right).

Close-up 3/7 of the above Gentil Crew wall showing (top to bottom, left to right) Tshoko, Diane Roe, Nikki Küntzle, MSHL, Loopkin, Maylee Keo and Le Monstr.

Close-up 4/7 of the above Gentil Crew wall featuring (top to bottom, left to right) Bosny, SBU One, Diane Roe and Tshoko.

Close-up 5/7 of the above Gentil Crew wall featuring (left to right) Tshoko(?), MSHL, Bosny and Nikki Küntzle.

Close-up 6/7 of the above Gentil Crew wall featuring Loopkin (left), Maylee Keo, Tshoko, Le Monstr, Nikki Küntzle and MSHL (right).

Close-up 7/7 of the above Gentil Crew wall showing SBU One.

The full K6A crew wall featuring Serak, Fleo, Sank, Dodo Osé, Saer, Axe Lalime, Otak and Royal. See close-ups below.

Close-up on Serak and Fleo‘s parts on the K6A crew wall above.

Close-up on Sank and Dodo Osé‘s parts on the K6A crew wall above.

Close-up on Saer and Axe Lalime‘s parts on the K6A crew wall above.

Close-up on Otak and Royal‘s parts on the K6A crew wall above.

Tru crew wall featuring Louis Letters, Adi, Kamzer, Tshoko, Boris, Dosk, Amer, Bonga and Lino. See close-ups below.

Close-up on Louis Letters (above) and Adi (below) on the TRU crew wall above.

Close-up on the TRU crew wall above. Louis Letters designed this logo and it was painted by various members of the crew.

Close-up on Dosk (above) and Boris (below) on the TRU crew wall above.

Close-up on the parts of Kamzer, Tshoko, Amer, Bonga and Lino on the TRU crew wall above. Tshoko also contributed to the Gentil Crew wall while Amer also contributed to the LTG/POM/H2K wall, scroll up to view.

Little bonus to the above Tru crew wall. This door with the names of the TRU crew members was done by Louis Letters.

Adida Fallen Angel

Peyo (top left) and Peack (bottom right).

Ekes and Marchandise TT.

Mad Rats‘ Gaulois and Cleo. Until I can get my own unobstructed shot, this photo © Gaulois.


Nikki Küntzle. Nikki also contributed to the Gentil Crew wall above.

Deep (letters) and Medusa (character). This is not the definite shot, I will get one when construction in front of this wall is completed.

Omar Bernal. Alternate shots below.

Omar Bernal. Alternate shots above and below.

Omar Bernal. Alternate shots above.

Acrow (letters) and Makenoize (smiley face paste-up). Scroll down for more by Makenoize at the bottom of this post.


Raphael Dairon

Resok, Eskro, Joh and Coler on the terrasse of the Foufounes Electriques.



Mos Geez

La Rue

Mr Hydde

Micer‘s tribute to Cazer who passed away shortly before the festival.




Makenoize installation. Context shot below.

Makenoize. Close-up above. Scroll up for another installation by this artist.

4 thoughts on “Under Pressure Festival 2021”

  1. Hey, I just discoverd this blog and it’s defintely a treasure! I want to see these murals in person, is there a way I can know the address of those paintings? Especially The LTG/POM/H2K wall!

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